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Revision as of 20:18, 28 September 2021 by Davemark (talk | contribs) (Initial Entries)
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The Infinite Axis Utility System is the primary behavioral decision-making system in Intrinsic Algorithm's library. While it can be supported by information from other systems (such as the Imap system or Tagging system), it is the "brains" of the game agents. This can be applied to individual characters, invisible "team leaders", or even to inanimate objects.

The IAUS exists as a stand-alone black box that can be installed into a project codebase with minimal work. We have both C++ and C# versions based on the needs to the client. In theory, minus any specific custom language or library issues, this means that this core AI system can be installed on day 1 and work can begin on hooking it up to world information, existing behaviors and animation code, and behavior logic can be authored in the tool we have developed for that purpose.




Core Code

Data Tool



